A new semester is now well underway, and, as usual, there is a growing list of projects, goals and deadlines. The college has transitioned to a new LMS (Canvas), and this means updating our course content, which is time-consuming, but also an opportunity to build new content. I've been tasked with leading the development of a new LIS credit course for our baccalaureate students, and we've just finished the content for an online documentation and citation tutorial - which, hopefully, will be available soon in Canvas.
An important campus-wide initiative this year is the mapping of student learning outcomes in core general education courses. The initial focus will be information literacy (number 5 in the gen. ed. requirements.) We'll be assisting faculty with assessment for this project. Among the resources that we provide for this are our own learning objectives and outcomes for information literacy, and the new Framework for Information Literacy, which was finalized this year by the Association for College & Research Libraries. Faculty who want more information about this should contact me.
A set of electronic resources that can help our faculty with information literacy assessment are the audiovisual tutorials available in our library subject guides, as well as two of our new database products: EasyBib, the citation management tool, and Scholar, an instructional tool that helps students with close reading and research skills. We will be holding workshops on these two database resources at All College Day in October.
Now that we are well into September, it's probably a good time to mention that appointments for library research orientations can be made by contacting your campus library, or fill out an online request for library instruction. The instruction calendar fills up early, so it's always best to act soon to reserve a date. There is also a wide range of instructional resources available in our Subject Guides.