Saturday, June 11, 2016

NISOD 2016

This year, I was honored to be nominated by my colleagues for a NISOD excellence award. As such, I was able to attend the NISOD Conference in Austin, TX last month. This is not the sort of conference I typically attend, so I didn't know exactly what to expect. But, I must say, that I found it to be a very enjoyable experience. I got to spend time with colleagues from other departments (fellow award winners) and attend a conference outside of my specific discipline - but one that was also inter-disciplinary.

NISOD is an organization that aims to promote professional development and teaching excellence at community and technical colleges, and the presentations at the breakout sessions are mainly focused the practical, technological, and other issues involved in teaching and learning. I was pleasantly surprised to find that there were librarians in attendance, and some of those were presenting.

Of course, while in Austin, I also found time to get together with old friends who live there, see the sights, and sample local cuisine.

But, I here I just want to mention sessions that I attended:

"How to Teach Critical Thinking and Content at the Same Time" John Eigenauer, Professor of Philosophy, Taft College

"Meta-cognition and NextGen Learning Models: Meeting Student Success and Engagement Goals Through Online Information Literacy" Courtney Mlinar, Head Librarian, Austin Community Collage, and Tobin Quereau, Asst. Dept. Chair, General Studies and Student Development, Austin Community College.

"Building Research Success by Building a Librarian into Your Online Course" Stephanie Espinoza, eLearning Librarian, College of Southern Nevada.

"Texas Early College High Schools: Best Practices and Insights" Sophia Pena, Director Early College High School, South Texas College, Melissa Biegert, Director Early College High School, Austin Community College, Tammy Perez, Assoc. Prof. Spanish, San Antonio College, Erik Anderson, Prof. History, San Antonio College.

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